Designing and developing WebApp with Angular, Angular Universal, Angular PWA, state management with RxJS or NGXS
Styling for responsive WebApp with SCSS, Bootstrap, Angular Material
Building Backend server with NestJS over ExpressJS with graphQL protocol or RESTful API
Modeling NoSQL database with Mongodb using mongoose or SQL database with PostgreSQL using typeORM
Full stack engineer, I use Angular, Angular Universal, Angular PWA, Angular Material and Bootstrap For frontend development. For backend i ues nodeJS as a run time environment and NestJS over ExpressJS for the development. I build endpoints using either RESTful API methodology or GraphQL Apollo protocol. Modeling and building databases with NoSQL database using MongoDB by the help of mongoose package and SQL database with PostgreSQL using typeORM. Git for version control system. Nx monorepo for wrapping frontend with backend and Linux as Operating system.
Al-Baath University
Syrian Virtual University